- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F I B R O M Y A L G I A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
O how our ways differ from our Lord's. HIS ways are not OUR ways. He has plans and purposes for our lives that we cannot begin to imagine, and sometimes He has to choose a painful route to interrupt OUR plans and get our attention.
Our lives are busy, always on the go, endless activity, achieving, organising, making the most of every minute of every day in our 'doing'. And yes, often our 'doing' is FOR God. But is this really what He wants, what He desires for us above all else?
If we look into His word, surely He exhorts us to:
'WAIT' Psalm 27 v 14
'REST' Psalm 37 v 7
'COME APART' Mark 6 v 31
'TRUST' Psalm 4 v 5
Oh yes, we can be busy FOR Him, doing FOR Him...the Lord is getting our activity, our busyness but is He getting US? Are we fellowshipping with Him? Does He have our quality time.... come to think of it does He have ANY of our time? Can we even hear His voice in the midst of our activities and restless strivings?
As I look into His word I see that He calls us apart, unto Himself, to rest with Him, lie on His breast and be at peace.
Only now do I see and accept God's purposes in these conditions and restrictions placed upon me. I have resented my inactivity, my enforced resting....but now I am beginning to rejoice in it. Not because of it or for it but IN IT. I see that God has brought me to a place with Him where I am required to 'come apart', 'rest', 'wait patiently' and 'trust'.
I considered myself and my life blessed when I enjoyed good health and boundless energy......this does not even begin to compare with the blessings He has now bestowed upon me in this chronic condition which I believe He has allowed into my life to achieve His own purposes - ultimately to draw me apart into a closer relationship with Him.
How I resented my sleeplessness night after night - but He has brought me to see it as time that I can spend with Him - while all the town sleeps He and I can commune with no distractions.
In the stillness of night I have enjoyed renewed fellowship with Him - recommitting my life to Him and seeking Him in a way I haven't done in years.
This has NOT been an overnight revelation.... I am stubborn, rebellious, slow to accept change, reluctant to move from my comfort zone, and...... it would appear I have hearing difficulties - the Lord must speak loud and slowly to me.....perhaps it's just that my ears and my heart have been so long closed to His voice. But bless the Lord o my soul! HE KNOWS ME better than I know myself and He is patient! I have been slow to respond but He has been patient with me...and in this very period of my life has brought me to His best for me.
Can YOU hear His voice, is He calling you apart?
I now believe this is His purpose for me - if fibromyalgia is His way of getting me to come and settle at His feet, rest awhile with Him, hear His voice, put my trust only in Him, then I have to say.... 'so be it Lord' and thankyou for YOUR plans and I leave YOU to work them out in YOUR way.
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