I have been dead-heading, watering and feeding them through these flowering weeks but I suppose I just haven't been as observant as I should. The past few days there were some tell-tale signs which I chose not to act upon...leaves appearing here and there with little chunks missing...gradually the damage becoming more apparent. Finally today I carried out a closer inspection....there they were...caterpillar after caterpillar after caterpillar!
Ruthless action was called for - all the damage had to be cut away - flowers, leaves, stems, anything showing signs of the bugs - even healthy growth which had the offending invaders lodging on them.
The Lord spoke to me today of how often He must carry out the same painful work in our lives. Something seemingly harmless flies into our lives - just like a pretty butterfly - we take it on board, give it lodging room in our hearts, unawares of the damage to be caused once it has been resident a while. Often things, people and attitudes must be pruned out of our lives and, painful though it may be, we have the assurance that our Heavenly Father loves us will always work for our good.
I know that by cutting back even the healthy leaves and flowers today, I will in time have a much healthier and more productive plant. So it is when the Lord works in our lives - at present we see only the pain but He knows the end result, He knows what He is working towards, and He will work out His perfect plan in our lives
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