Yes, it has a voice
Sometimes just a whisper
To let me know it's there -
A gentle, nudging reminder
That my body's not my own.
Yes, it has a voice
That I can hear so clear
Speaking through the darkness
As if to reinforce
That my body's not my own.
Yes, it has a voice
Through gritted teeth it snarls
While speaking to my soul
Of what I know full well
That my body's not my own.
Yes, it has a voice
A loud and screeching cry
That pierces through the night
Telling every limb
That my body's not my own.
Yes, I hear pain's voice.
But hush, be silent, pain be still,
I hear a loving voice
Gently calling through the storm
Telling body, spirit, soul,
That I am HIS - and He is mine.
I hear my Saviour's voice!
So often the Lord impresses lessons upon me and I don't record them or, in my fuddled mind, they lose their impact. A blog must be the answer - record my thoughts, lessons, photos and, when it seems I've learned nothing I can read over it and see...yes, God spoke to me there. If no one else reads or is encouraged by it - let it be for God and me. May my blog bring honour and glory to You Lord..... more importantly Lord, may I bring honour and glory to You.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Well....just look at these little darlings....
These are the same geraniums from several weeks back. At that time they were serving up breakfast, lunch and dinner for an extended family of caterpillars, who I reckon must've been eating until they were fit to burst!
I had thought I had rooted out all the hungry little diners but some obviously remained lurking somewhere out of sight and continued to feast merrily.
A severe cutting back was required, lots of pruning and constant close inspection and WOW!... how it has paid off!
I'm praying the Lord will do the same in MY life.....
keep me under His close supervision, root out all the destructive qualities which I have allowed to take up residence, prune back that which is unattractive, displeasing and dishonoring to Him, remove the deadwood and cause me to BLOSSOM IN FULL FLOWER FOR HIM.
These are the same geraniums from several weeks back. At that time they were serving up breakfast, lunch and dinner for an extended family of caterpillars, who I reckon must've been eating until they were fit to burst!
I had thought I had rooted out all the hungry little diners but some obviously remained lurking somewhere out of sight and continued to feast merrily.
A severe cutting back was required, lots of pruning and constant close inspection and WOW!... how it has paid off!
I'm praying the Lord will do the same in MY life.....
keep me under His close supervision, root out all the destructive qualities which I have allowed to take up residence, prune back that which is unattractive, displeasing and dishonoring to Him, remove the deadwood and cause me to BLOSSOM IN FULL FLOWER FOR HIM.
These were my geranium pots just a couple of months ago - lush green leaves, fresh vibrant healthy flowers, and countless new buds to last the summer through. I've had these particular plants for a number of years now, and I've lovingly tended and cared for them each year, constantly deadheading throughout the flowering season, pruning back and making sure they had shelter and protection from the cold winter winds and frosts.
I have been dead-heading, watering and feeding them through these flowering weeks but I suppose I just haven't been as observant as I should. The past few days there were some tell-tale signs which I chose not to act upon...leaves appearing here and there with little chunks missing...gradually the damage becoming more apparent. Finally today I carried out a closer inspection....there they were...caterpillar after caterpillar after caterpillar!

Ruthless action was called for - all the damage had to be cut away - flowers, leaves, stems, anything showing signs of the bugs - even healthy growth which had the offending invaders lodging on them.
The Lord spoke to me today of how often He must carry out the same painful work in our lives. Something seemingly harmless flies into our lives - just like a pretty butterfly - we take it on board, give it lodging room in our hearts, unawares of the damage to be caused once it has been resident a while. Often things, people and attitudes must be pruned out of our lives and, painful though it may be, we have the assurance that our Heavenly Father loves us will always work for our good.
I know that by cutting back even the healthy leaves and flowers today, I will in time have a much healthier and more productive plant. So it is when the Lord works in our lives - at present we see only the pain but He knows the end result, He knows what He is working towards, and He will work out His perfect plan in our lives
I have been dead-heading, watering and feeding them through these flowering weeks but I suppose I just haven't been as observant as I should. The past few days there were some tell-tale signs which I chose not to act upon...leaves appearing here and there with little chunks missing...gradually the damage becoming more apparent. Finally today I carried out a closer inspection....there they were...caterpillar after caterpillar after caterpillar!
Ruthless action was called for - all the damage had to be cut away - flowers, leaves, stems, anything showing signs of the bugs - even healthy growth which had the offending invaders lodging on them.
The Lord spoke to me today of how often He must carry out the same painful work in our lives. Something seemingly harmless flies into our lives - just like a pretty butterfly - we take it on board, give it lodging room in our hearts, unawares of the damage to be caused once it has been resident a while. Often things, people and attitudes must be pruned out of our lives and, painful though it may be, we have the assurance that our Heavenly Father loves us will always work for our good.
I know that by cutting back even the healthy leaves and flowers today, I will in time have a much healthier and more productive plant. So it is when the Lord works in our lives - at present we see only the pain but He knows the end result, He knows what He is working towards, and He will work out His perfect plan in our lives
Some of you asked for updates on my geranium post 'PAINFUL PROGRESS'? Well, the update is NOT positive! I carried out a little geranium examination today and there, lurking where it could hardly be seen....a massive offending caterpillar! Okay, the last time I checked he was there - I know that NOW - he was probably a tiny egg stowed away on a leaf fold or perhaps just a minute speck of green right before my very eyes, large enough to exist but small enough to go unnoticed. Thing is HE was not alone - I ended up finding 4 invaders!
So yes, it was back to more cutting. You know, I thought I was ruthless in my cutting last time - problem is, I still wanted a pretty plant so I kept what I could. I had retained just enough leaves and flowers to harbour those pesky intruders and of course the damage is evident again.
Oh how I need the Lord - the cleansing of my heart is very much an on-going process. How very close I need to be walking with Him, that I might be aware of that which displeases Him in my life and allow Him to root it out. When I attempt to 'pretty' myself all I do is fail and show myself up for what I really am - the pruning is HIS work....and HE makes NO mistakes.
So yes, it was back to more cutting. You know, I thought I was ruthless in my cutting last time - problem is, I still wanted a pretty plant so I kept what I could. I had retained just enough leaves and flowers to harbour those pesky intruders and of course the damage is evident again.
Oh how I need the Lord - the cleansing of my heart is very much an on-going process. How very close I need to be walking with Him, that I might be aware of that which displeases Him in my life and allow Him to root it out. When I attempt to 'pretty' myself all I do is fail and show myself up for what I really am - the pruning is HIS work....and HE makes NO mistakes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F I B R O M Y A L G I A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
O how our ways differ from our Lord's. HIS ways are not OUR ways. He has plans and purposes for our lives that we cannot begin to imagine, and sometimes He has to choose a painful route to interrupt OUR plans and get our attention.
Our lives are busy, always on the go, endless activity, achieving, organising, making the most of every minute of every day in our 'doing'. And yes, often our 'doing' is FOR God. But is this really what He wants, what He desires for us above all else?
If we look into His word, surely He exhorts us to:
'WAIT' Psalm 27 v 14
'REST' Psalm 37 v 7
'COME APART' Mark 6 v 31
'TRUST' Psalm 4 v 5
Oh yes, we can be busy FOR Him, doing FOR Him...the Lord is getting our activity, our busyness but is He getting US? Are we fellowshipping with Him? Does He have our quality time.... come to think of it does He have ANY of our time? Can we even hear His voice in the midst of our activities and restless strivings?
As I look into His word I see that He calls us apart, unto Himself, to rest with Him, lie on His breast and be at peace.
Only now do I see and accept God's purposes in these conditions and restrictions placed upon me. I have resented my inactivity, my enforced resting....but now I am beginning to rejoice in it. Not because of it or for it but IN IT. I see that God has brought me to a place with Him where I am required to 'come apart', 'rest', 'wait patiently' and 'trust'.
I considered myself and my life blessed when I enjoyed good health and boundless energy......this does not even begin to compare with the blessings He has now bestowed upon me in this chronic condition which I believe He has allowed into my life to achieve His own purposes - ultimately to draw me apart into a closer relationship with Him.
How I resented my sleeplessness night after night - but He has brought me to see it as time that I can spend with Him - while all the town sleeps He and I can commune with no distractions.
In the stillness of night I have enjoyed renewed fellowship with Him - recommitting my life to Him and seeking Him in a way I haven't done in years.
This has NOT been an overnight revelation.... I am stubborn, rebellious, slow to accept change, reluctant to move from my comfort zone, and...... it would appear I have hearing difficulties - the Lord must speak loud and slowly to me.....perhaps it's just that my ears and my heart have been so long closed to His voice. But bless the Lord o my soul! HE KNOWS ME better than I know myself and He is patient! I have been slow to respond but He has been patient with me...and in this very period of my life has brought me to His best for me.
Can YOU hear His voice, is He calling you apart?
I now believe this is His purpose for me - if fibromyalgia is His way of getting me to come and settle at His feet, rest awhile with Him, hear His voice, put my trust only in Him, then I have to say.... 'so be it Lord' and thankyou for YOUR plans and I leave YOU to work them out in YOUR way.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F I B R O M Y A L G I A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
O how our ways differ from our Lord's. HIS ways are not OUR ways. He has plans and purposes for our lives that we cannot begin to imagine, and sometimes He has to choose a painful route to interrupt OUR plans and get our attention.
Our lives are busy, always on the go, endless activity, achieving, organising, making the most of every minute of every day in our 'doing'. And yes, often our 'doing' is FOR God. But is this really what He wants, what He desires for us above all else?
If we look into His word, surely He exhorts us to:
'WAIT' Psalm 27 v 14
'REST' Psalm 37 v 7
'COME APART' Mark 6 v 31
'TRUST' Psalm 4 v 5
Oh yes, we can be busy FOR Him, doing FOR Him...the Lord is getting our activity, our busyness but is He getting US? Are we fellowshipping with Him? Does He have our quality time.... come to think of it does He have ANY of our time? Can we even hear His voice in the midst of our activities and restless strivings?
As I look into His word I see that He calls us apart, unto Himself, to rest with Him, lie on His breast and be at peace.
Only now do I see and accept God's purposes in these conditions and restrictions placed upon me. I have resented my inactivity, my enforced resting....but now I am beginning to rejoice in it. Not because of it or for it but IN IT. I see that God has brought me to a place with Him where I am required to 'come apart', 'rest', 'wait patiently' and 'trust'.
I considered myself and my life blessed when I enjoyed good health and boundless energy......this does not even begin to compare with the blessings He has now bestowed upon me in this chronic condition which I believe He has allowed into my life to achieve His own purposes - ultimately to draw me apart into a closer relationship with Him.
How I resented my sleeplessness night after night - but He has brought me to see it as time that I can spend with Him - while all the town sleeps He and I can commune with no distractions.
In the stillness of night I have enjoyed renewed fellowship with Him - recommitting my life to Him and seeking Him in a way I haven't done in years.
This has NOT been an overnight revelation.... I am stubborn, rebellious, slow to accept change, reluctant to move from my comfort zone, and...... it would appear I have hearing difficulties - the Lord must speak loud and slowly to me.....perhaps it's just that my ears and my heart have been so long closed to His voice. But bless the Lord o my soul! HE KNOWS ME better than I know myself and He is patient! I have been slow to respond but He has been patient with me...and in this very period of my life has brought me to His best for me.
Can YOU hear His voice, is He calling you apart?
I now believe this is His purpose for me - if fibromyalgia is His way of getting me to come and settle at His feet, rest awhile with Him, hear His voice, put my trust only in Him, then I have to say.... 'so be it Lord' and thankyou for YOUR plans and I leave YOU to work them out in YOUR way.
FOR ME .....a poem
- FOR ME -
I never stood and watched
As He was scourged and beat,
I never drove the nails
Into His hands and feet.
I didn't plait the thorns
That made that mocking crown,
I wasn't at the cross
When they took His body down.
I didn't see the soldier
As he checked if he had died,
I never sealed the tomb
Or stood on guard outside.
And yet it was my sins
That nailed Him to that tree -
God sent His only Son
To bleed and die for me.
- Linda Sloan -
I never stood and watched
As He was scourged and beat,
I never drove the nails
Into His hands and feet.
I didn't plait the thorns
That made that mocking crown,
I wasn't at the cross
When they took His body down.
I didn't see the soldier
As he checked if he had died,
I never sealed the tomb
Or stood on guard outside.
And yet it was my sins
That nailed Him to that tree -
God sent His only Son
To bleed and die for me.
- Linda Sloan -
You know how we nag on and on and on until we get someone's attention and finally get our message through...I'm sure we've all done it. And you know, our Heavenly Father does it too, in the most amazing, loving and patient manner.
I have long and often thought of the words of Philippians 4 v 8 and oftentimes they spring to mind just when I need to 'lift' my thoughts a little higher....
Over the past while I seem to be meeting these words on a regular basis and I always know this is God bringing His word to my attention.
I've encountered them over and over again in your various writings in Living Whole - thankyou LW for being God's messenger to me.....
I have not gone a day without being confronted with them in the past 4-5 days....
I quoted them to a dear friend just today - encouraging her to keep her mind off the negative aspects creeping into her mind and directing her to those things she CAN focus her praise on .....
Another friend quoted them to me today when explaining how he sets his mind at the start of each day...
Jonathan has just now come home from 'New Horizon' (an annual NI summer seminar) with the theme this year 'ENJOYING GOD', and has been relating the teachings of Don Carson to me. Yes, you guessed it... 'Whatsoever things.....'
O how I love the Lord and His patience with me...
How He encourages me in the best paths in life, even my thoughtlife...
How He steers me in the ways I can best enjoy Him....
Oh Lord, I thankyou for bringing me to Living Whole and for your faithful children here who minister your Word as sweet balm to our spirits. Keep my mind fixed on you Lord, that my thoughts may be ever occupied only with those things that are true and honest and just and pure and lovely and of good report and worthy of virtue and praise. Lord YOU alone are ALL these things, keep my mind fixed on YOU.
I have long and often thought of the words of Philippians 4 v 8 and oftentimes they spring to mind just when I need to 'lift' my thoughts a little higher....
Over the past while I seem to be meeting these words on a regular basis and I always know this is God bringing His word to my attention.
I've encountered them over and over again in your various writings in Living Whole - thankyou LW for being God's messenger to me.....
I have not gone a day without being confronted with them in the past 4-5 days....
I quoted them to a dear friend just today - encouraging her to keep her mind off the negative aspects creeping into her mind and directing her to those things she CAN focus her praise on .....
Another friend quoted them to me today when explaining how he sets his mind at the start of each day...
Jonathan has just now come home from 'New Horizon' (an annual NI summer seminar) with the theme this year 'ENJOYING GOD', and has been relating the teachings of Don Carson to me. Yes, you guessed it... 'Whatsoever things.....'
O how I love the Lord and His patience with me...
How He encourages me in the best paths in life, even my thoughtlife...
How He steers me in the ways I can best enjoy Him....
Oh Lord, I thankyou for bringing me to Living Whole and for your faithful children here who minister your Word as sweet balm to our spirits. Keep my mind fixed on you Lord, that my thoughts may be ever occupied only with those things that are true and honest and just and pure and lovely and of good report and worthy of virtue and praise. Lord YOU alone are ALL these things, keep my mind fixed on YOU.
I guess you all know what I'm talking about when I mention sleepless nights. A decent night's sleep is a rarity for fact a decent night's sleep still includes waking about three times during the night. Jonathan goes to bed and sleeps the night through... every night! When he gets up in the morning he doesn't know where he'll find me or what I've been up to during the night....
This past weekend has been our annual public holiday weekend and we've been off work Monday and Tuesday so it has been a welcome break from the routines. We always take my parents out for the day on the first day of the holiday so yesterday we had a full day in Donegal - weather was fab and everyone was nicely relaxed after all the busyness of recent weeks. We got home and, since I hadn't managed an afternoon nap I was exhausted so got to bed 8.30, did some reading and reckon I was asleep by 9.30 - 10pm. I woke at 12.40, went to the bathroom and thought 'this is it!...I'll never get back to sleep!'
I lay and thought of all my wonderful new friends at Living Whole....
I pictured you all in my mind.....
Thought of all the things I now know about you.....
And I prayed for EACH one of you.....
And went to sleep :) GOD IS GOOD!
This past weekend has been our annual public holiday weekend and we've been off work Monday and Tuesday so it has been a welcome break from the routines. We always take my parents out for the day on the first day of the holiday so yesterday we had a full day in Donegal - weather was fab and everyone was nicely relaxed after all the busyness of recent weeks. We got home and, since I hadn't managed an afternoon nap I was exhausted so got to bed 8.30, did some reading and reckon I was asleep by 9.30 - 10pm. I woke at 12.40, went to the bathroom and thought 'this is it!...I'll never get back to sleep!'
I lay and thought of all my wonderful new friends at Living Whole....
I pictured you all in my mind.....
Thought of all the things I now know about you.....
And I prayed for EACH one of you.....
And went to sleep :) GOD IS GOOD!
The wonders of nature have always fascinated and never cease to amaze me and speak to me of the MIND of our God behind creation. I know it is incredible to our puny minds to consider that God SPOKE the word and it was....He SPOKE this world into being. Awesome thought!
Just take time as you ponder nature and consider the Creator behind it all - the diversity of colors, textures, shapes, scents - surely our God is the Master Designer. Look closely into even just a small variety of flowers and see and feel the contrasting designs. I am also fascinated by what we call 'weeds' and 'wildflowers' - each design unique and with a beauty of their own.
Let me share with you something that has intrigued me over the past few years......
Are you familiar with the flowers IMPATIENS, commonly known as BUSY LIZZIE? I love them....they adorn hanging baskets, garden tubs, window boxes and borders and fill them with color all summer long. They come in a vast array of color - pinks, purples, corals, whites, reds, oranges. They are just a simple little flower though and it is in their masses that they are really striking.
What I find most intriguing is what happens when they 'go to seed'.....
The petals fall off, the little inner centre of the flower produces the seeds and swells and swells and swells...
I have been dead-heading these little beauties and I have actually jumped back in surprise when I accidentally touch one of these new seed pods. When it is touched it BURSTS open, the whole pod coiling back like a spring motion and the seeds scattering with such force. Such is God's design for spreading the seeds and ensuring the continued production of this little species.
Oh how often do I feel I have 'gone to seed'... past my best... no longer in full flower... no longer to be of use to God. And yet the mind of God is NOT fickle - He is a consistent God. In HIS hands we can be used of God even though we might feel our day of use is past.
In our chronic conditions we may feel there is little we can do for God - I think Busy Lizzie shows us that we are wrong in that. These little flowers may go to seed - God still designs their final duties - spreading their seed with such authority and precision. Let's not think we are past our usefulness - God still has a work for us to do - it may be very much behind the scenes like praying, encouraging, writing, maybe even just a phone call. Let's keep BUSY for HIM ..... spreading the seed of HIS love.
(The above pictures are from my own Busy Lizzies at the end of this summer - and I think there is even such beauty in the spent seed-pod)
I'm adding this footnote after talking with a dear friend and being impressed of the Lord to share this.....
How often do we feel 'the pressure'?....., we are pushed and pushed and pushed to the edge, we litterally cannot take any more. We know God is in our circumstances but 'WHAT IS HE DOING?' we ask. Perhaps we must go through times when the pressure is turned up, we endure agonies unending, with seemingly no good outcome. God knows JUST what He is doing with us - why He puts us through the struggles and pressures. Perhaps, just like the seed pod, just like the gold in the refiners fire, only at the end of these intense struggles of life do we come forth as pure gold.... or seed ready to be sown for HIS purposes. The journey is never a pleasant one but oh the joy of seeing what we have become in His hands.
Just take time as you ponder nature and consider the Creator behind it all - the diversity of colors, textures, shapes, scents - surely our God is the Master Designer. Look closely into even just a small variety of flowers and see and feel the contrasting designs. I am also fascinated by what we call 'weeds' and 'wildflowers' - each design unique and with a beauty of their own.
Let me share with you something that has intrigued me over the past few years......
Are you familiar with the flowers IMPATIENS, commonly known as BUSY LIZZIE? I love them....they adorn hanging baskets, garden tubs, window boxes and borders and fill them with color all summer long. They come in a vast array of color - pinks, purples, corals, whites, reds, oranges. They are just a simple little flower though and it is in their masses that they are really striking.
What I find most intriguing is what happens when they 'go to seed'.....
The petals fall off, the little inner centre of the flower produces the seeds and swells and swells and swells...
I have been dead-heading these little beauties and I have actually jumped back in surprise when I accidentally touch one of these new seed pods. When it is touched it BURSTS open, the whole pod coiling back like a spring motion and the seeds scattering with such force. Such is God's design for spreading the seeds and ensuring the continued production of this little species.
Oh how often do I feel I have 'gone to seed'... past my best... no longer in full flower... no longer to be of use to God. And yet the mind of God is NOT fickle - He is a consistent God. In HIS hands we can be used of God even though we might feel our day of use is past.
In our chronic conditions we may feel there is little we can do for God - I think Busy Lizzie shows us that we are wrong in that. These little flowers may go to seed - God still designs their final duties - spreading their seed with such authority and precision. Let's not think we are past our usefulness - God still has a work for us to do - it may be very much behind the scenes like praying, encouraging, writing, maybe even just a phone call. Let's keep BUSY for HIM ..... spreading the seed of HIS love.
(The above pictures are from my own Busy Lizzies at the end of this summer - and I think there is even such beauty in the spent seed-pod)
I'm adding this footnote after talking with a dear friend and being impressed of the Lord to share this.....
How often do we feel 'the pressure'?....., we are pushed and pushed and pushed to the edge, we litterally cannot take any more. We know God is in our circumstances but 'WHAT IS HE DOING?' we ask. Perhaps we must go through times when the pressure is turned up, we endure agonies unending, with seemingly no good outcome. God knows JUST what He is doing with us - why He puts us through the struggles and pressures. Perhaps, just like the seed pod, just like the gold in the refiners fire, only at the end of these intense struggles of life do we come forth as pure gold.... or seed ready to be sown for HIS purposes. The journey is never a pleasant one but oh the joy of seeing what we have become in His hands.
I believe our two little dogs have been a wonderful gift from the Lord to us....we have no children and they have taken the place of children in our lives. Yes, I know they are dogs but they have been our dependents, our companions, our support through thick and thin. They're getting old now - 15 years old in fact, which is 105 in human years - WOW!
Meet Jojo - she is the 'lady' of the family. Jojo walks in such a regal manner I'll bet my bottom dollar she's got Windsor blood in her! And boy, does she know how to rule! Until the past year or so, when Jonathan wasn't around Jojo made sure I knew SHE was the boss....I tried every tip in the book to be dominant but absolutely nothing worked - in fact it was easier to go to work without breakfast most mornings than stay and fight with her! She's always been independant, preferring to go off on her own and sleep behind a chair somewhere - no cuddles wanted here!
Meet Jessie - she's the 'mother' of the family. Looks after everyone, frets if they fret and rejoices if they rejoice. Although sisters, Jessie has been the mother to Jojo, daily washing her eyes and ears. Jessie is the fun one, the one who would make you chase her round the garden if she had to come in, would do absolutely anything to please and would never even think of being disobedient. She's the one who needs the cuddles, the nursing, sleeping with you, lying in the crook of my arm, or even the back of my knee like that's just where she belongs and, although timid in nature herself and very easily frightened, she is the one who will step in to protect you.
Jojo is deaf now - still very much a little loner but looking for those hand signals now, watching your face for signs of what's happening next - eyes alert to every move.
Meet Jojo - she is the 'lady' of the family. Jojo walks in such a regal manner I'll bet my bottom dollar she's got Windsor blood in her! And boy, does she know how to rule! Until the past year or so, when Jonathan wasn't around Jojo made sure I knew SHE was the boss....I tried every tip in the book to be dominant but absolutely nothing worked - in fact it was easier to go to work without breakfast most mornings than stay and fight with her! She's always been independant, preferring to go off on her own and sleep behind a chair somewhere - no cuddles wanted here!
Meet Jessie - she's the 'mother' of the family. Looks after everyone, frets if they fret and rejoices if they rejoice. Although sisters, Jessie has been the mother to Jojo, daily washing her eyes and ears. Jessie is the fun one, the one who would make you chase her round the garden if she had to come in, would do absolutely anything to please and would never even think of being disobedient. She's the one who needs the cuddles, the nursing, sleeping with you, lying in the crook of my arm, or even the back of my knee like that's just where she belongs and, although timid in nature herself and very easily frightened, she is the one who will step in to protect you.
Jojo is deaf now - still very much a little loner but looking for those hand signals now, watching your face for signs of what's happening next - eyes alert to every move.
I THINK (a poem)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I THINK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I wake to the sweetest birdsong, as all creation greets the morn
And I think of the love of Jesus, how through Him I've been re-born.
I walk in the country laneway, the hedgerows are vibrant green
And I think of those early days, when my heart was new and clean.
I dip in the gentle waters of the stream with its healing flow
And I think of how He cleansed me on that night so long ago.
I gaze on majestic mountains, reaching up to Heavens high
And I think of my loving Saviour, how for me He chose to die.
I marvel at fiery sunsets, setting the sky aglow
And I think of the warmth in my heart since God's love I came to know.
I think of my wonderful Saviour, I think of His love for me,
I think how He came from Heaven, and from sin He's set me free.
I wake to the sweetest birdsong, as all creation greets the morn
And I think of the love of Jesus, how through Him I've been re-born.
I walk in the country laneway, the hedgerows are vibrant green
And I think of those early days, when my heart was new and clean.
I dip in the gentle waters of the stream with its healing flow
And I think of how He cleansed me on that night so long ago.
I gaze on majestic mountains, reaching up to Heavens high
And I think of my loving Saviour, how for me He chose to die.
I marvel at fiery sunsets, setting the sky aglow
And I think of the warmth in my heart since God's love I came to know.
I think of my wonderful Saviour, I think of His love for me,
I think how He came from Heaven, and from sin He's set me free.
Sunday, 1 November 2009

We are now in November - a new month, new start, new promises to myself and fresh chances and opportunties from the Lord. Each month I suppose I make fresh promises to myself - I will be more disciplined, more consistent in my relationship with the Lord, with my friends, with my family. Each month I let myself down, more importantly I let the Lord down. And yet....HE IS FAITHFUL. He has brought me to another month, has allowed me another time to commit afresh. I'm praying this month will be different - that I will take on board the mistakes of the past, recall to mind the benefits I reap from walking with the Lord in a consistent manner, and go ALL OUT to live FOR Him and WITH Him. He is ever faithful, I can trust Him not to let me down......let me not fail Him.
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