Friday, 29 May 2009


This time last year I was photographing our garden poppies at different stages of flowering and had the most marvellous revelation and encouragement from the Lord. As a result, I just could not wait for this years poppy season....I've been photographing in anticipation of that same encouragement that comes only from the Lord. And how good is our God - He never fails us as we look to Him.

The top photo was taken on Thursday evening - the first brillaint poppy was already there in all it's glory. Friday morning I looked out and was greeted by another spectacular bloom. O what a God we have - He never slumbers or sleeps. Without daylight or the warmth of sunshine He brings forth the poppy blooms. If our God can so work in the darkness of night to bring the poppies into full flower, what can He do for us? What can He NOT do? Surely we can leave all in His tender care and await His timing for the unexpected blossoms in our lives.


Have not posted for a whole week....and can't believe feeling I have missed blogging! Is this addictive or what :)
Friday night again and we were so looking forward to another picnic night. Weather fantastic- clear blue skies, brilliant sunshine and the weatherman says a whopping 20 deg! We were all geared for lovely Murlough Bay but I just didn't have the energy. Sat out front for a while but didn't seem to have enough energy to be in the sunshine so we went to the backyard - cannot believe this fibro has reduced me to opting to sit in the shade!....and there we enjoyed our picnic.
Wasn't the most scenic of places, especially since next door has sprung a water leak which is running off their roof and into our yard! Anyhow we had a dry shady spot and just enjoyed each others company - and the picnic and of course we had our two girls looking on and waiting for treats!, so I reckon at the end of the day we were all happy :)

Friday, 22 May 2009

Friday night...

We had the first of our Friday night picnic teas for this summer...
Jonathan had shopped today and when I surfaced from my after-work rest he had our picnic prepared and we were all set to go. Drove to Ballintoy Harbour and just enjoyed the peaceful tranquility, sound of the sea, early evening sunset and the picnic of course :)

Looking forward to many more picnic favourites!

Thursday, 21 May 2009


Our ladies' bible study last night on the character of God -

repeatedly reminded of His wonderful, inexhaustable, unmeritted, unconditional, steadfast,UNFAILING love - what a God is ours!

Monday, 18 May 2009

Jesus is in this storm-tossed boat....

I have found when the Lord really wants to get my attention He repeats His message - over and over - what a faithful, patient Father He is.

Yesterday we had a message read at church (Mark Ch 4) - the disciples are in the boat, crossing over to the other side. A storm rises up and Jesus, well He is asleep! Nowhere to be found when He is needed. The disciples call out to Him - here they are using all efforts to keep this boat afloat and He sleeps! The same message was taught on UCB radio in the afternoon and would you believe.....was my scheduled reading for nighttime! I would say God had truly got my attention by now....

How often have I felt as though I've just been cast adrift in the storms of this raging sea - left to battle the waves and winds on my own. I've sought the Lord's help, looked for signs of His presence but He hasn't been there.

'Let US cross over...', Jesus said. The disciples lost sight of the plan - all WOULD be well, they WOULD arrive safely....not only had Jesus planned their trip, He was with them... they would not go under! So it is with this journey I find myself on. I am not alone, my Saviour has embarked on this journey with me and He knows the route WE will take.

I suppose I feel the same despair the disciples felt when I can't see the Lord's presence and yet I do know He is with me. The disciples experienced the presence, power and deliverance of God in a way that was only possible through this storm - and I believe it is so with me. I am coming to know, and will yet know and experience the power of God in a deeper and fuller way and so I look to Him as we sail this storm together.

You know something....I'd rather have Jesus IN my boat asleep than sail without Him.

Let US cross over, Lord. Amen

Friday, 15 May 2009

To fight or not to fight....?

I titled this blog 'Fighting fibro-In faith'....this past couple of weeks I have wondered at the wisdom of those words....this title was very evidently created during a spell when I was on fighting form and my faith strong. I am presently coming through the worst period of pain and fatigue I have ever experienced. After enduring 10 weeks of sleeplessness (2 hours sleep per night) I have re-started Tahitian Noni Juice (2 weeks ago) and am now sleeping soundly through the night. I am however suffering greatly and feel the need to sleep the clock round - I actually felt less fatigued when I was sleeping two hours each night. (THE MYSTERIES OF FIBRO?) The pain in my shoulders and arms just seems to drag me down, my legs and arms are constantly cramped, my eyes are closing involuntarily and it is impossible to function....the worrying and sad thing is that I don't even want to function - I just feel so low that I don't have the interest.

God has His plans and I HAVE to believe he has planned fibro for me (I do not believe God has sent it but I do believe He has allowed it) ...I don't know why....I have asked why... never the question 'why me?' - more just 'why?' - being for what reason / purpose? I did feel guilty about looking for an answer to the 'why?' but I was encouraged then to read that even our Lord on the cross cried out 'My God, my God, WHY have you forsaken me?' If Jesus, who knew all things, could look for answers then I know God will understand the questionings of my imperfect heart. Lord, grant me patience as I await the unfolding of your plans in my life....


I am updating this post after a peaceful night's sleep - I have woken feeling rested and more refreshed than I have done in the past two weeks. I have been encouraged by the Lord in the night...on occasion He has used the silence and peace of night to whisper to me - those are the times I've been able to be thankful for my sleeplessness. He has taken my mind back to an incident probably 6 or 7 years ago.....

Two gardens down from my back garden I could listen unobserved to a little boy walking and talking with his granddad. The little boy was only two so the pace was slow, but the questions were many, and they were 'why, why, why?' He could ask unashamedly and out of curiousity because he wanted to know - not because he questioned his presence or purpose in his surroundings or that He doubted where granddad was leading him.

God has shown me again that it IS okay to ask questions - to look for reasons - I am HIS child, walking this life with Him, and He understands. I will want to know WHY I am on this particular walk but thank God I am walking it with Him by my side.

I would think that Granddad didn't have all the answers - but I thank God that my Father in Heaven does - and He loves me much more than any earthly father or granddad and is in total control of my circumstances - even in these days when my pace is slow. Thank you for your whisperings to my heart Lord.

Thursday, 14 May 2009



My favourite little corner of our garden, although it's not in full bloom yet. I love the colours and how the plants drape themselves around the rock - it's not a rock garden but the plants have meandered around these few rocks, the rock giving shape, structure and purpose to their planting. Makes me think of my ROCK - the Lord Jesus Christ and how I want my life to be shaped around Him. He should be central in my life, the one who shapes and moulds me and gives my days purpose and structure, just in the corner where He has planted me. In these days of pain and fatigue I find it impossible to see any purpose but He knows.... He has a plan....

Linda the Dahlia

A dear friend bought me this little dahlia at the weekend...

such a fitting gift...

not because it's beautiful, fresh, bright, fragrant and sunny...but because it's name is.....


Thursday, 7 May 2009


Out tonight to Keren's first birthday....

Life is pretty exhausting for me and sometimes I feel guilty when we have to miss out on family things. It was so good to be together tonight for sweet Keren's first birthday - she is such a darling and it is incredible that she is already one year old! Seems no time since her mummy was toddling around and now she has her very own wee family and is doing an excellent job!
Happy birthday Keren :)

Monday, 4 May 2009

Love me, love my dogs

If you know ANYTHING about hubby and me you will know we love our girls - Jessie and Jojo. Our girls are two wonderfully cuddly Lhasa Apsos who have brought us SOOOOO much pleasure, companionship and fun over the past 15 years. We pre-ordered them (before birth) and brought them home at 8 weeks - looking for all the world like 2 real-live cuddly teddy bears and they just won the hearts of everyone they met.
Not only have they been our 'best friends' but they have had much fun with each other - neither ever being quite sure who was in charge - I can assure you it was NEVER me! I've been bottom of the pecking order since they arrived.
Over the years they became affectionately known as 'The Girls' and both readily answered to the call of 'Girls' rather than by name.
Jessie has been the little mother - always looking out for Jojo and being most offended if Jojo ever gets shouted at - which has been pretty often over the years. Jessie must have company and will follow everywhere and loves nothing better that to sleep on the settee, cosied in my arms like a baby :) - so cosy for both of us!
Jojo has been extremely independent - she has always much preferred to wander off to bed on her own, never looking to be nursed, cuddled or petted. Maybe no bad thing - 2 Jessies would have taken a lot of attending to! Jojo very happily beds herself down and allows Jessie to wash her eyes and ears - quite the little lady.
It was such a surprise for us to discover that even dogs have their own identifiable personality - now that's the God of creation!
I have no doubt that our girls will feature heavily in my posts. They are now 15 years old and really showing their years just over the past 12 months.....Jojo is totally deaf but responds remarkably to hand signals, Jessie is almost totally blind but surprises us with her near misses as she runs top speed to ANYWHERE she's headed.
We've had so many fun photos of them over the years and I hope to post them over time.
Love me, love my girls.....

Saturday, 2 May 2009

I can almost SMELL the daffodils....can you?


My favourite time of year - the sun is actually beginning to shine in this part of the world - it still rains a lot's brighter! The days are longer, time has 'sprung forward' and there are bursts of colour everywhere......snowdrops, crocuses, tulips, daffodils :) Amazing that they all manage to poke their little heads up through snow, frost and bitter cold winds to herald the passing of winter.
How good is our God - even in the darkest of days the flowers are there. We can walk on by and miss their beauty but, they don't stop being there - we've just missed out on an opportunity to enjoy God's wonderful creation. I so enjoyed a recent walk through the 'Daffodil Gardens', an abundance of spring colour, golden heads sparkling in the sunshine and swaying gently in the breeze. O Lord, may I never cease to appreciate the wonder of spring and the miracle of your changing seasons....and encourage me to appreciate the changing seasons in my own life.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Newcomer to blogging!

This really started out as a personal journal/diary in a'word document' but, when looking into blogging I could see the results were much more impressive and attractive than any old 'word document' - and that's why I'm here!
My first blog post - I have been so uplifted and strengthened by the sharing and honesty of others when I visit their blogs that I felt I wanted to get in there too and communicate and hopefully encourage where possible. I have in the past been reluctant to share the limitations forced upon me by this fibromyalgia, almost as though keeping things to myself would make it all a little less real.... I also didn't see how hearing others problems and experiences would help me. I think though, with this 'invisble syndrome' it could help to share with the only ones who could possibly understand - fellow fibro sufferers. So hello blogland, and especially those of you with fibromyalgia or indeed any condition which is imposing restrictions on your life, my name is Linda and I'm a fibro victim! This is my journey....