I suffer from fibromyalgia and for the most part try to continue with normal life, including working until 3pm Monday to Friday. I have been able to achieve this mainly due to the wonderful help my husband has been to me. He has taken on many of my household chores and works uncomplainingly in the house.
Last month we returned from holiday and since then I have enjoyed the most wonderful spell of renewed energy. A few days before returning home from our trip I was finding I had more energy than usual, not having to lie down to rest in the afternoons. Following our return home I had the energy and enthusiasm to prepare a decent meal, bake bread and go for walks. This continued over the next weeks and I have to say my spirits were high.
Last Wednesday I attended our ladies bible study (a home group of 10 ladies)......
Q... If you would like, take a few minutes to come up with some creative language (poetic imagery or a word picture) that helps capture how you feel about drawing close to God. Put your words in the form of a prayer to God.
My answer.... 'Father draw me, as a magnet's invisible force, compel me to come to you. I know where my safety and surety is - I know where I find rest and peace - I want to abide in You Lord. What doth hinder me? Reveal it to me Father and show me how You would bring me to You. I want to abide in You Lord. Amen'
On Thursday and into Friday I felt it..... arms and legs numb and asleep, fatigue, nausea, irritable bowel, temperature extremes, headache, widespread pains, stiffness.....
Yes, God had answered my prayer. No, I didn't particularly like His answer. Yes, I do get the message.
It is IN this condition that God draws me to Himself....compels me to come to Him. My eyes are opened - I am looking for God - seeking His will - searching His purposes.
I have openly confessed in the past that this fibromyalgia brought me into a new, deeper and more meaningful relationship with my Savior. I do think these past weeks of relief from symptoms have served as a voice of confirmation of that from the Lord. In this misery of pain I am drawn to the Lord, I MUST come to Him, seek His company, His comfort and His reassurances that HE has HIS plans and HIS purposes - for my life and all that comes within it.
Yes, God did answer that prayer of mine - He has drawn me to Himself as with a magnet's compelling force.