I've been concerned for what a friend is going through in her Christian walk... things are such that I think she is realising that belonging to the Lord does NOT mean that life suddenly just falls into place. Things don't JUST start going right in all areas of our lives....and yes... I do feel for her. I have been there and I know I will be again - that is life. That is also Christian life - God promised us eternal life - He never promised us immunity from the trials of THIS life, here and now. Yes, eternal life awaits but we have this life to get through first - if this is our preparation for life with our Lord in eternity we have MASSIVE responsibilities.
I pray for her and then I text her as I feel the need to share with her from 1 Samuel 2 v 30.... 'him that honours me, I will honour'.
God WILL honour us but note that the condition in the promise is placed first on us. God requires first place in our lives. We KNOW God keeps His word so, if we make a promise to Him or a condition we can be assured He WILL hold us to it. Why shouldn't He...why should He expect any less of us than He is prepared to offer us?
Yes, I know she has prayed and 'bargained' with her Lord... He requires full cooperation in return. He is a faithful God - we must be faithful servants worthy of our Master.
I trust and pray to God that she accepts my counsel as from the Lord and in the spirit of prayer and I thank you Lord for Your word, even to my own heart in this.
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