A few verses from the song titled 'PERSONAL' by Joanne Hogg
Much of what I've sung before
Seemed to be more in my head
But now I feel the difference
I'm singing in my heart, singing in my heart instead.
For winter has been and gone
Springtime has come
Love's been awakened in me
And You're the One
You're the One.
How do I put into words
What Your love is like
It's like Father love and Mother love
All rolled into one.
The Lover that You are to me
The Friend You have become
You're the place I find my rest
How do I describe what is so personal.
When I first heard this song my mind went back to the time of first knowing the Lord - the cold winter of not belonging had been and gone, springtime had come. I knew for the first time the warmth of the love of God and my heart was alive in Him.
As I became more familiar with the song and as the Lord was speaking to my heart He awakened me to see that even as His children we can still experience the cold chills of winter. A season when the earth is still, days are dark, the sky is heavy and all looks bleak. A season when we see so little sunshine or warmth to cheer and take the edge off those chills that blow.
And yet, how do we view winter? What is our outlook in this season of darkness and heaviness of heart? Do we doubt the sun will ever shine again? Have we seen our last skipping lambs in the fields? Heard the last young birds chirp relentlessly for food? Seen the last golden daffodil head sway in the breeze?
No, as sure as winter comes, the days begin to lighten again and spring follows.... the earth brings forth her new life again.
In our seasons of spiritual winter how do we fare? Do we brace ourselves against the storms, confident that they too will pass and that we are safe in the shelter of our loving Saviour? We do not experience seasons of winter without reason. Is God drawing us aside, allowing us a season of coolness that we might burst forth with new life and renewed vigour in Him? IN HIM. He is our security, our shelter, our refuge, our hiding place, WHATEVER the season. HE CHANGES NOT.
Love's been awakend in me....I'm singing in my heart.
So often the Lord impresses lessons upon me and I don't record them or, in my fuddled mind, they lose their impact. A blog must be the answer - record my thoughts, lessons, photos and, when it seems I've learned nothing I can read over it and see...yes, God spoke to me there. If no one else reads or is encouraged by it - let it be for God and me. May my blog bring honour and glory to You Lord..... more importantly Lord, may I bring honour and glory to You.
Friday, 31 July 2009
Monday, 27 July 2009

How can my eyes not look....to Heaven and see Your face?
That face that looks upon me...with smiles of purest grace.
How can my hands not touch...Your heart which feels such pain?
That heart so full and tender...which called me long in vain.
How can my tongue not taste...the sweetness of Your love?
That love which knows no measure...on earth or Heaven above.
How can my ears not hear...those chords of sweet refrain?
That melody of worship...as angels praise Your name.
'The day dear one is coming...when you shall see and touch and taste
As you gather with My angels...and gaze into My face.'
Thursday, 23 July 2009

I've been concerned for what a friend is going through in her Christian walk... things are such that I think she is realising that belonging to the Lord does NOT mean that life suddenly just falls into place. Things don't JUST start going right in all areas of our lives....and yes... I do feel for her. I have been there and I know I will be again - that is life. That is also Christian life - God promised us eternal life - He never promised us immunity from the trials of THIS life, here and now. Yes, eternal life awaits but we have this life to get through first - if this is our preparation for life with our Lord in eternity we have MASSIVE responsibilities.
I pray for her and then I text her as I feel the need to share with her from 1 Samuel 2 v 30.... 'him that honours me, I will honour'.
God WILL honour us but note that the condition in the promise is placed first on us. God requires first place in our lives. We KNOW God keeps His word so, if we make a promise to Him or a condition we can be assured He WILL hold us to it. Why shouldn't He...why should He expect any less of us than He is prepared to offer us?
Yes, I know she has prayed and 'bargained' with her Lord... He requires full cooperation in return. He is a faithful God - we must be faithful servants worthy of our Master.
I trust and pray to God that she accepts my counsel as from the Lord and in the spirit of prayer and I thank you Lord for Your word, even to my own heart in this.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Sunny warm evening, great company, super gourmet meal....what more could we ask for?
Our girls are tucked in bed just quietly awaiting our return.....or so we think !
Who knows what they get up to when we're out. You know we used to laugh together when we were in a restaurant.... children would be playing up, causing havoc and giving their parents no peace to enjoy their meal. We would say, 'Oh well,
nothing to worry about, our girls are home in the garage'.
Just look what we came home to on Wednesday evening. Jessie is persistent in trying to prise the lid off the bin. She pulls and bites at the overhang of the plastic bin-liner - she knows now that if she gets it just right it works.... too much bite and she tears the bag, just enough pressure and the lid pops up. Boy, has she perfected it!
Wednesday evening we arrived home...lid was off the bin...the bin was still upright so she had actually reached into the bin for every item and lifted it out. I assume Jojo just stood by and awaited the spoils, this is her usual form - much too ladylike to get HER paws dirty!
Did they have a feast! Wrapping foil was licked CLEAN of all traces of wedding cake icing and cream, inside of a dog food tin was spotlessly clean as far down as their little snout could reach, and fruit peelings had disappeared.
Oh, don't we wish we had a security camera set up? What viewing that would make! So much for being tucked up in bed!
Wednesday, 8 July 2009

I am amazed at how the Lord opens doors. I continue to rejoice in His move in the heart of someone who would have been just an aquaintance....He has given me a burden for her and a real desire to reach out to her, as I see her seeking Him and desiring to have Him in her life.
What responsibility is mine! I ask that the Lord will equip me for the task which I believe He is calling me to. I admire her openness and willingness to share her heart with me and pray that the Lord would keep me close to Him - that this study we plan will be HIS work - nothing of me.
Guide us Lord as we make decisions on what to study and thank you for bringing her THIS far..... but take us ALL THE WAY.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Without a doubt the happiest of days ever. My little sister is now Mrs Smyth (with a 'y'). We have just returned from the most fabulous day....Belfast Castle, the perfect setting on a perfect sunshine day. Everything just planned to perfection....harpist, soloist, jazz band, beautiful food and cake, family, friends, love and happiness in abundance.
Every day should be like THIS day.
Congratulations Barbara and Harry .... I really hope EVERY day of married life will see you as happy and content with life as you both are today.
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